
CliC is the brand name for "those really clever glasses that click together and hang 'round the neck". We like to refer to the innovation as "magnetic connection eyewear". There are two key features to these glasses: the continuous neck-strap and the magnetic connection at the bridge. This enables the glasses to stay put when they're on your nose then sit comfortably and stylishly around the neck while not in use. Whether your glasses are for protection from the elements or simply reading the trail map, CliC takes care of the issues we all have with losing, dropping, breaking, scratching, and constantly replacing eyewear.

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Dr. Debra Bernstein, Optometrist
68 Main Street
Irvington, NY 10533

T: 914-231-7557
F: 914-231-7558
Patient Registration Form

Tues-Thurs 11-6 Appointment Only